- ERP System
Smart Technology
Eduvate’s central ERP system helps in tracking important parameters like students improvement, teacher’s performance, fee collection details and efficacy of online classes over an academic year.
Our ERP system lets you track a student’s progress and improvement over an academic year with granular data details.
What We Offer
Facilities for conduct of Academic and Administrative functions through ERP.

Efficiency Of Online Class
Seamless conduct of online classes supported with videos and presentations.

Students' Improvement
Learning is more engaging and collaborative.

Fee Collection Details
Fee collection data and summary report of individual student’s fee payment can be obtained

Teacher's Performance
Classroom observations that help maintain quality of curriculum implementation.

Homework Management
Facility for creating Homework and evaluating the progress of students.

Watch Video
All in One Assessment Tool to Track All Parameters
Technology Integration in Schools

Frequently Asked Questions
Each school has dedicated Academic Manager and Operations manager to look after the requirements of the school. The managers are responsible for effective and smooth implementation of the curriculum and deliverables
Eduvate is a complete school growth partner and empowers the stakeholder school by providing continuous technical support and training on the well reserached and comprehensive curriculum.
Our entire content is uploaded in the tab for easy access and the teacher could display the resources like videos, PPT’s ,etc on the TV in the classroom thus helping the students and teachers. In case the class rooms are equipped with smart boards and have wifi connectivity, then the teachers could use the resources directly from the ERP to explain to the students.